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Boyd Street Ventures Invests in Lumata Health

Innovator reduces blindness risk through a relationship-driven, intelligent eye care management platform.

Boyd Street Ventures announced that it has invested in Lumata Health, a pioneer in closing the care adherence gap for the more than 10 million—and rapidly growing—adults in the U.S. at risk of blindness or vision loss as a result of a chronic eye disease. Cortado Ventures is the lead investor, along with multiple family offices and over 30 leading ophthalmologists across the U.S.

Lumata Health partners with eye care providers across the care delivery spectrum, including many of the country’s largest ophthalmology-focused organizations, to serve hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from vision-threatening chronic eye conditions. Its data-driven continuous care program incorporates clinical and psychosocial elements to empower patients to manage their chronic disease throughout their care journey, particularly between visits to their ophthalmologist. Patients are connected with an experienced eye care-specific coach who helps them adhere to their care plan through ongoing education and elimination of barriers to care.

More than 90% of vision loss caused by chronic eye diseases including diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma is preventable, yet these diseases remain leading causes of blindness in the US and abroad—largely due to poor adherence to recommended care. “Data shows that patients supported by our platform miss up to 60%% fewer clinic appointments,” said Landon Grace, CEO and Co-Founder at Lumata Health. “The right combination of data, technology, and expert care coaches ensures greater patient adherence, satisfaction, and clinical outcomes, while also addressing the staffing shortages that continue to plague ophthalmology clinics.”

“Vision loss is a huge but largely preventable problem that has gone unaddressed for far too long,” said James Spann, Founder and General Partner at Boyd Street Ventures. “We are proud and excited to be an investor in Lumata Health and its unique and innovative approach to blending state-of-the-art machine learning technology with human-led, relationship-driven patient care.”

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